The beauty of technology is that you can have access to expert health professionals regardless of time and location, in the comfort of your own home. Assessing and treating an injury, is no different from online to face to face. We recommend that you have good internet connection, as well as using a preferred portable device like a laptop.

Heidi has successfully treated multiple people all around the world, where her clients have learnt self management techniques and injury prevention without physical touch! Not only does she help with injuries online, but also pre pointe, dance and women’s health appointments can be consulted online.

frequently asked questions

Yes if you are covered under physiotherapy. Majority of Australian private health care insurances recognise the importance of telehealth. An invoice will be sent to you after the consultation, and if you are covered, you will be able to claim directly with your health fund provider

a. Good internet connection
b. Portable device – Preferable a laptop. If you are using a phone and or ipad, we recommend that you also have a phone or ipad stand as it may slip down. If you do not have that, then bring a tissue box as well as heavy book and we can teach you how to use this as a stand
c. Any rehabilitation equipment you have e.g theraband, massage ball, massage cream, pilates ball, pilates matt
d. Earphones if you prefer

a. Questioning you and hearing your story of the injury and or issues is no different online verses face to face. After hearing your story and answers, we already have a provisional idea of what is going on.
b. We’ll safely guide you through specific tests to confirm and figure out what the issue is at hand.

Physiotherapists use a multitude of treatment techniques in how to help you reach towards your goal. Outside of manual therapy there is exercise prescription, bracing, taping, posture, education, pacing, activity modifications, bladder retraining which can all effectively be taught online. However if manual therapy is necessary, our physiotherapists can guide you in how to release your muscles yourself!

what to expect?

All patients should expect the following when they arrive at the appointment center

Have a Question?

Use the button below to directly contact us regarding any of your health concerns or visit our appointment page to book your appointment