Femme physiotherapy & wellness

Run, Dance, Live with confidence

Helping Women and Dancers reach their full potential – supporting them through discomfort, injury and life changes. Experts in providing Womens Health, Dance and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy

Womens Health

We help women laugh, lift, run without leaking & pain. We provide a guiding hand through pregnancy, menopause, prolapse…

dance physiotherapy

We help dancers reach their full potential by preventing and moving past injury, improving turnout, flexibility, readiness for pointe…


We help you return back to the things you love doing, despite  your muscle ache, joint pain and injury…

Our Services


Womens Health Physiotherapy

Issues with leaking, sexual pain, pregnancy, return back to exercise post partum, prolapse

Dance Physiotherapy

Improve turnout, flexibility, be safe for point & dance past your injuries 

Telehealth Physiotherapy

Access your Health Professional from the comfort of your home

experiencing pain & weakness

Don’t let injury stop you from doing the things you love

Rejuvenate Your Body

Connect your mind, body & soul through Physio Led Pilates

Workshops & Seminars

Encouraging self-sufficiency & empowerment for students, health professionals, dance teachers and studios


Meet Heidi

Heidi is a dedicated physiotherapist with endless passion for womens health and dancers. She has extensive experience in both the public and private sector and worked as a Senior Womens Health physiotherapist in pre and postnatal, OASI (obstetric anal sphincter injuries) and urogynaecology Pelvic clinics at GCUH. She now works in the first Endometriosis clinic in Goldcoast.

After graduating university in 2015, Heidi dove head first into musculoskeletal and dance physio. As a previous dancer and dance teacher, she endeavoured in learning how she could lift her leg up higher, improve her turnout and push her body in a safe and anatomical manner. Naturally, she started treating more females, pelvis’s and hips and stumbled across her calling into the world of Womens Health physiotherapy.

What is a dance physio?