
Goal Setting That Sticks: Aligning Your Goals with Your Values

Goal Setting That Sticks: Aligning Your Goals with Your Values

If you’ve been following along, you’ll know I’m a big believer in reflection as the foundation for setting meaningful goals. Now that you’ve explored your reflections from the past year and identified the values that guide you (check out my previous Blog if you missed this step!), it’s time to take things one step further.

How do we create goals that truly stick—ones that feel aligned with who we are and where we want to go? Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Define the Values You Want to Encompass in the next Year

Your values are your compass—they guide your decisions, actions, and how you show up in the world. Look back at the list of values you identified in the reflection phase. I recommend choosing up to 6, no more than 10. These are the foundation for your 2025 goals.

Get creative with this! Write them out as headings, or use photos, doodles, or symbols that represent them. The more personalized this feels, the more connected you’ll be to your vision.

Step 2: Start Scribbling

Under each value, jot down what how they would look like in the different areas in your life?

Consider areas such as:

  • Health – Mental and Physical
  • Relationships
  • Career
  • Family
  • Finances
  • Creativity
  • Spirituality

For example my values include:

  • Connections:
    • Speaking to my family in Sydney, spend quality time with friends without distractions, listen deeply to clients’ stories, connecting to the earth
  • Nature: Watching the sunset, ocean swims, indoor plants, cloud gazing
  • Growth: Reading, courses, connecting with like minded people, embrace learning new technology.

Keep this step fluid and free-flowing. There’s no right or wrong way—just brainstorm how you’d bring these values to life.

Step 3: Dream Bigger

Now, let’s take it up a notch. Repeat Step 2, but remove limitations.

Ask yourself this: If time, money, or resources weren’t barriers, how would your life look?

For example:

  • Under Connections, you might dream of a family reunion in Sydney or starting a community group for shared stories.
  • For Growth, maybe you’d enroll in a dream course overseas or write that book you’ve always wanted to start.

This step invites your imagination to take the lead. It’s not just about the “what” but the “why” behind what you’re envisioning. I like drawing this in a different colour to show that you are stepping outside of your invisible box that you hold to yourself

Step 4: Take Action

Goals without action are just wishes. For each value, identify tangible actions you can take to make these goals a reality.

Here’s the key: assign a timeline to your steps. When will you call your sister? How often will you watch the sunset? These specifics make your goals actionable.

For example:

  • Value: Connections
    • Call my sister every second Sunday—schedule it in my phone calendar.
    • Create a “client stories” board by the end of January to capture inspiring moments.

Small, realistic steps help keep you moving forward while staying grounded in what matters most.

Final Tip: Keep It Visible!

Once you’ve completed these steps, don’t tuck your vision away in a drawer. Put this up somewhere you can see it! Whether it’s your fridge, your desk, or the wallpaper on your phone, keeping your values and goals visible will remind you of the path you’re creating every day.

Let me know how you go—and if you’d love extra guidance or be in a community of people willing to live a life that is true to them, I’m willing to hold a free live workshop at the end of January if enough interest. Just email through to [email protected] and I’ll see when we can arrange this

Here’s to a year of aligned, meaningful growth!


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