
Reflections That Shape Next Years Goals

Reflections That Shape Next Years Goals

If you know me, you know how much I value reflection. It keeps me grounded, helps me stay present, and ensures I live a life that brings me joy and is aligned to my values.

As the year winds down, we often hear about goal-setting. But how often do we set goals that feel disconnected from who we are or fail to stick with them? Over 15 years of reflecting, I’ve developed a process that helps me create realistic, achievable goals that truly resonate.

This is a two-part blog. Step one is reflection—because without it, it’s hard to know what we want or need in the year ahead.

Create the Right Space

Set yourself up in an environment free of distractions – turn off your phone notifications. Maybe it’s outdoors, in a favorite quiet spot, or somewhere you feel inspired. Add some music you love to create a sense of flow. The idea is to give yourself the time and space to think deeply. I’d give yourself minimum 30 minutes to go through the below questions.

I also do love writing on a beautiful journal. My personal favourite journals are Peter Pauper Press

Four Reflection Questions

  1. What brought you joy or pride this year?
    Look back and celebrate the wins—big or small. These moments are clues to what lights you up.
  2. What challenged you or held resistance?
    Challenges teach us valuable lessons. What can you take from them into the new year?
  3. What are your values?
    Unsure? Check out this list of values and highlight the ones that resonate most.
  4. Did your actions in the last year align with your values?
    If not, where did you stray? Identify the values you may have unintentionally followed and consider if that that is something you want for your future.

Moving Forward

Reflection isn’t about judging yourself—it’s about understanding what worked, what didn’t, and where you want to go next. These questions will help you uncover insights and create a strong foundation for goals that truly align with your values and the life you want to lead in the next year!

Take a moment, breathe, and give yourself this gift of self awareness and discovery.

Here’s to a meaningful and intentional new year!

P.S there is part 2 in knowing how to use your Reflections to shape your future

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